Friday, May 18, 2012

7 Steps to Financial relaxation - follow These and You Will accomplish Your Financial Goals

Donate Car - 7 Steps to Financial relaxation - follow These and You Will accomplish Your Financial Goals
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Do you know about - 7 Steps to Financial relaxation - follow These and You Will accomplish Your Financial Goals

Donate Car! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Step 1 of 7 Steps to Financial Freedom:
Set Goals

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How is 7 Steps to Financial relaxation - follow These and You Will accomplish Your Financial Goals

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Donate Car.

People fail in life because they don't know exactly what they want to do, have or be with their life. They might say that they want to make a lot of money or would like to live in a big fancy house etc, but the truth is they don't really know what they want. These are just day dreams they're not exact goals. The first thing you need to do is grab a pen and paper and write down what you truly desire. Dream Big - What would you have or do if money or time were no object? List down every information and comprise all your senses for example it's no good to say "I would like a new car" - What type of car? What colour? What does the leather smell like? How does the machine sound when you start it? How does it feel to drive the car? Only when you involve all your senses does a dream come to be a burning desire!

Why do you need to make a list of goals? Simple: If you don't know where you are going, how do you know when you have arrived? How can you strive for something if you don't know for what?

Step 2 of 7 Steps to Financial Freedom:
Learn how to make money

Learn about the distinct methods and distinct strategies there are to make money. There are proven methods that you can use to achieve your financial goal. Methods to make money:

Method estimate 1: The first formula that just about every person thinks of is A Job. 95% of all habitancy use this strategy yet they only secure 3% of the wealth.

Method estimate 2: invest your money and put it to work for you. All wealthy habitancy own shares and property. Do you? Do what the wealthy habitancy do and educate yourself on distinct venture vehicles. come to be self educated in investing and do it yourself!

Method estimate 3: multiple streams of income. Leverage your time and money through other people. Only 5%of the habitancy use this strategy effectively yet they make over 95% of the total income!! This is the most profitable formula once you learn how to leverage your efforts and the efforts of other habitancy once you understand this formula you are able to leverage time and money, generate passive income, and all with minimal effort.

Step 3 of 7 Steps to Financial Freedom:
Avoid Negativity

This step needs to be treated very seriously if you want to achieve your financial goals. Avoid habitancy who think negatively, or talk and act in a negative way. You want to be happy and to make your life meaningful. You haven't got time to waste with negative people. They will drain your energy. They blame and look for excuses.

Be diplomatic to negative people, you can be compassionate, but still be strong adequate to walk away. If you don't, these habitancy will steal your dream.

Step 4 of 7 Steps to Financial Freedom:
Clear your Bad Debts

Set aside money each and every month to clear your bad debts. There is a distinction in the middle of good and bad debt. Good debt makes you money, bad debt costs you money. An example of good debt might be a buy-to-let mortgage on a rental property with a tenant paying off the mortgage. Bad debts are credit cards, car loans, personal loans etc. Formulate a plan to clear these debts as soon as possible. You will never have financial free time if you continue to fork out on high interest rates every month. As you pay of your debts, don't just spend the now surplus money on gadgets, save. Save so you can take advantage of formula 2 in Step 2 above.

Step 5 of 7 Steps to Financial Freedom:
Take Action

Stop procrastinating! follow the now notable Nike slogan: "Just Do It." If you determine to do something but don't take action, nothing will happen! Yes, you must do your explore and your due diligence but you must take action. None of the above is of any value to you unless you make the decision to get up off the sofa and do the actions indispensable for you to reach your financial goals.

"If you don't act now while it's fresh in your mind, it will probably join the list of things you were always going to do but never quite got around to. Chances are you'll also miss some opportunities." - Paul Clitheroe

You must act today - Do Not leave for tomorrow what you can do today.

Step 6 of 7 Steps to Financial Freedom:
Be Dedicated

It is not going to be easy, nothing in life worth having is easy, but the rewards will really be worth every ounce of endeavor you spend. It is going to be difficult and you're going to want to give up, but never, never give up! Persevere through, learn from your mistakes and try again. I promise you will find success. There is a lot of wisdom in the lyrics below, remember them.

"We'll be singing
When we're winning
We'll be singing

I get knocked down
But I get up again
You're never going to keep me down

I get knocked down
But I get up again
You're never going to keep me down" - Chumbawamba - I Get Knocked Down

Step 7 of 7 Steps to Financial Freedom:
Be Charitable.

Remember that it is in giving that you shall receive. You don't need to be a scrooge and hold on desperately to your money to be wealthy, you need to be charitable. I do not for a second mean you should give all your money away, I mean be generous and share. Being charitable does not always mean donating money either, there are other ways to help habitancy out. Possibly you could teach habitancy some of the skills you have learned while researching methods of manufacture money in step 2?

You need to be able to give money, time, love or knowledge without expecting anyone in return to those that are in need of the above. It is through helping others that we realise our true potential.

"You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other habitancy get what they want." - Zig Ziglar

By following these 7 steps to financial freedom, you will achieve what you really desire out of life. These steps will work for you if you are willing to put in the effort. How you deal with failure determines whether or not you will be successful. Apply these 7 steps with passion and you will see changes in your life.

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