Tuesday, May 22, 2012

How My Baby almost Died - And the Inspiration I Received That Helped Me through a Rough Time

Donate Car - How My Baby almost Died - And the Inspiration I Received That Helped Me through a Rough Time
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Walking in love requires a confident type of muscle to be exercised. The heart is the muscle in question. Regularly a long walk would require a stretching of the muscle straight through a short warm up program. Then, you begin the main quantum of the activity where the muscle groups get a great workout. Then, lastly a warm down to once again stretch the muscles in a cool down to prevent soreness later.

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How is How My Baby almost Died - And the Inspiration I Received That Helped Me through a Rough Time

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Donate Car.

Walking in love, God's love, is more of a continuous range that you take down life's path. Walking in love is to step out of one's own selfish desires and to get out there and help person else. Start out small, like a warm up, and at last you're heart muscle with crave longer, larger needs of giving and helping and loving.

You don't have to be a religious fanatic to walk in love. Give of your self to person else by donating your time at the local library. Volunteer to help at a school function, be a class mom or dad. Help person take their groceries to their car. It's the small things in life that create a great place to live for all of us. Sometimes, just a small soft spoken word of encouragement can change a life forever.

I remember when my son was born. He was born two weeks early and had fluid in his lungs. I had a C-Section and as the doctor took him out I heard that sweet sound of a baby cry and then it suddenly stopped. I couldn't see what was going on, I could only hear the anxiousness in the nurses voices. A stat this and a get him breathing and they whisked him out of the surgical operation room. I prayed that he would be ok and my doctor doing the surgical operation took my hand and said they'll take care of him.

After I had returned to a quarterly hospital bed and had rested for a few hours, a different doctor came in and gave me an update on my baby. He said they were going to transport him to a different hospital just a few miles down the road where they had a Nicu (a neonatal arduous care unit) that specialized in newborns. They wheeled my baby in and he was strapped in a transporter. It was one of those plastic incubators that you see in the movies when the new babies are born and the house is finding in at them straight through the glass window in the nursery. I couldn't hold him or touch him or let him know everything was going to be ok. He was in an induced medical coma so he wouldn't hurt himself and so the breathing tube in him could do it's job and supply the oxygen his diminutive body and brain needed to stay alive. He was born 7 lbs 11 oz., so he was a good size baby, his lungs were just a diminutive underdeveloped.

I was released from Whittier Hospital three days after the C-section, and my husband took me over to the other hospital down the street, Whittier Presbyterian Hospital, to the Nicu section where my baby was still in essential health and the news was day by day as to either he would make it straight through or not. I was still very sore, so my husband got a wheel chair and he wheeled me in to where all the extra babies were. Some were only a few ounces in weight and would be there for many months. I looked at the incubator where my diminutive baby lay and I started to cry when I saw all the needles arrival in and out of him. The head nurse on that shift that morning came over to me and put her hand on my shoulder. She said he is doing well, he had a few rough moments, he is still not out of danger. She said he was a fighter and they had to sedate him even more than general because he wanted to start breathing on his own and his diminutive lungs still had some fluid in them. She said I'll be right back and she walked over to the nursing middle point and pulled something off the wall.

She came back and had a photo of other baby. The baby in the photo was sitting up and was about four or five months old and had a big smile and looked like the excellent baby. She said a few months ago this beautiful, healthy diminutive girl was lying there just like your baby and look at her now. It may seem like he is in a bad situation, but I'm sure he is going to be just fine and will be like this diminutive girl in a few months. For the next few days, I lived by her words and my diminutive Jeremy made a full recovery. He was released two weeks from the date he was born and his lungs were thoroughly clear of any fluid. My heart goes out with a gratitude of thanks to all the nurses, who work in an Nicu, especially Mila and the other nurses there at the Whittier Presbyterian in Whittier, California. They are so loving and caring and understanding.

My diminutive guy is now in his terrible two's and I love him to death. Every time he gets sick with a diminutive runny nose or a cough, I'm reminded of how fragile he was and how he nearly died and how that overwhelming Nicu nurse made that one kind gesture that I will remember forever. Make an attempt today to walk in love. Your heart will leap for joy.

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