Friday, May 18, 2012

Some belief On This coming Holiday Season

Donate Car - Some belief On This coming Holiday Season
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Do you know about - Some belief On This coming Holiday Season

Donate Car! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Today is 'black Friday'. This is supposed to be the busiest shopping day of the year. Personally, I would have a distinct name for it. Every day associated with the word 'black' has an ominous meaning. It is ordinarily associated with some terrible event. The day the stock store crashed in 1929 was call a black day. December 7th, a day that Franklin Roosevelt said would live in infamy, is thought about a black day. So I wonder why today is called a black day. Now, if it was up to me, I would call it Shopper special day.

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How is Some belief On This coming Holiday Season

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Donate Car.

I watched, on television last night, how population were starting to line up for bargains from many stores. population brought chairs and blankets to get in line for safe bet bargains. Are plasma televisions or lap top computers so foremost that it is worth spending a cold night out doors to get something so material? For some, I guess the talk is yes. I would rather spend the chilly night in a nice warm bed.

I also watched, the other day, how population were lining up early for Wii. Why? What is so foremost about great graphics for a video game, or the quality to download movies onto a computer? To me, it is instant gratification for new material possessions. Are these things a status symbol? Is it - I want what I want when I want it?

Last year, my granddaughter could not tell us what she wanted for Christmas. Yesterday she handed out a list of things she wanted. The list went from socks and sweatshirts to a new car and diamond earrings with other things in between. We all laughed when she handed out the copies of the list. My response was simple. I told her I would cope the socks and sweatshirts.

Christmas is supposed to be a time for giving. It has become a time for getting. The mean someone is calculated to spend about Seven Hundred Dollars on Christmas gifts this year. I know I will not. I will buy the socks and sweatshirts. I will buy my other granddaughter something she wants. For every person else on my list, I will buy items to make them something. Store-bought items are used and discarded. Hand made items become family heirlooms handed down from generation to generation.

So I wish every person luck in their shopping frenzy. Just remember the meaning behind the holidays. I think the Amish taught us all what this advent season truly is. For those that do not know what happened, allow me to recite the events.

Several Amish girls were murdered in their school house. The man who did this, also died. The Amish do not use electricity, have no cars or telephones. They use horse and buggy to get nearby and rarely leave their communities. The Amish Elders made an irregularity in this case. They traveled to this mans' family to comfort them. In their time of grief, they concept of others who also suffered. The Amish accept nothing from the face world, but did this time. They suitable donations for the widow and children of this man.

This uncomplicated act of kindness is, to me, a shining example of true charity. It exemplifies what many population say but few rarely do. It is a lesson we should all remember this advent season.


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